Dandy Guts
Dandy Guts: Independent artist nourished by various musical currents, and, in ...
J. Wynn is a Writer Producer and Pastor who is passionate about bringing a message of hope and inspiration to the world.
He has been producing and writing music since the age of 10 years old composing music for movies, short-films and television shows as well as for other artists.
J. Wynn latest single Contagious (from the recently released Layover Project) was written while his wife was recovering from a severe asthma attack. They had to leave their home due to it being uninhabitable and they moved in with his brother; he was lost and for a moment and began to question his faith. He then realized as much as he wanted to blame God for what was happening in his life he found himself being in awe that God keeps providing. He understood that even when he doesn’t understand God still has our best interest and that kind of love is Contagious!